How to best absorb antioxidants

How to best absorb antioxidants

Antioxidants are an important part of your daily diet. Antioxidants are found in plant based foods, and help eliminate harmful and unstable substances in the body. These harmful substances are called free radicals. An excess of free radicals causes inflammation that...

Maximize Antioxidant Absorption!

Maximize Antioxidant Absorption!

Antioxidants Antioxidants are all the rage in health news today. Antioxidants are nutrients found in plants that help decrease inflammation that causes chronic disease. They do this by neutralizing harmful substances called free radicals in the body. Free radicals...

Why your pots and pans may be toxic

Why your pots and pans may be toxic

Food is an essential part of our lives. Chances are, you either cook for yourself or you cook for someone else in your life. Cooking at home is typically healthier than going out to eat. You get to pick the recipe, the ingredients, and the method of cooking. But have...

Fall into nutrition

Fall into nutrition

Fall is the time of year where foods get richer, creamier, and sweeter. Americans consume an average of 200 calories more per day in the fall than in the summer. There are many theories as to why this is. It could be biological. Our innate instincts tell us to eat...

Outdoor Fall Activities

Outdoor Fall Activities

Before we all go into hibernation for the wintertime, take the time to enjoy the cooling down weather after a blistering summer. With the weekend coming up and 70 degree temperatures in the forecast, there are plenty of activities that you can do outside that will...

Getting more fiber

Fiber is among the many nutrients that are lacking in the standard American diet. Fiber keeps your colon healthy by promoting bowel movements. Fiber also binds to bad LDL cholesterol and carries it out of the body. Even with all the health benefits of fiber, the...

Autoimmune disease progression

Autoimmune disease progression

The progression of autoimmune diseases has been on the rise in western industrialized countries over the past 50 years. Autoimmune diseases include Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, Scleroderma, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Irritable Bowl Disease. Due to its rise in...

Is snacking helping or hurting you?

Is snacking helping or hurting you?

In the 20th century, Americans typically consumed 3 square meals a day. The 21st century has brought on the notion of snacking, largely because quick grab and go convenience foods are, well... convenient. There are many nutritious snacks and non-nutritious snacks...

Stop drinking soda for good

Stop drinking soda for good

Whether you say soda, pop, coke, pepsi, or soft drink, they all mean the same thing. Regardless of how you feel about the correct way of saying this popular fizzy drink, I will use the word soda. Hopefully, no offense is taken. Soda is everywhere in the United...

Thai Massage

Thai Massage

Thai massage relaxes the body in certain ways. Thai Massage is nicknamed 'Lazy man's yoga' because it combines all of the benefits of Yoga without the work. Thai Massage consists of flow with deep, rhythmic pressure to muscles and energy pathways in the body, combined...

Refreshing new minds

Refreshing new minds

  The Alkaline Wellness employees recently traveled to Dahlonega to attend a career fair for North Georgia University's physical therapy program. We were the only small business in attendance as well as the only physical therapy company that focused on total...

The gift of health

The gift of health

The holidays bring so much joy. No matter what holidays you celebrate or recognize, there is one gift that is perfect for every occasion. The gift of good health. Health is something everyone has in common because is defined by so many things. Movement, nutrition, and...

The mind game

The mind game

We have been getting requests for more mind content, so to start off a series of mind related blogs, lets talk about sleep. Even though sleep is overlooked as an essential part of good health, it is still very important. Let's demystify the truth about sleep. Can...

The ins and outs of coconut oil

The ins and outs of coconut oil

Coconut oil has rapidly increased in popularity over the past few years. Coconut oil boasts health claims such as reducing hypertension, maintaining proper cholesterol levels, and boosting immunity. Because of its increasing popularity, the choices of coconut oil...

A Thanksgiving turkey trot

Are you ready for Thanksgiving? I'm not talking about the menu, although that is important. I'm talking about the Turkey Trot. The Turkey Trot works up an appetite, clears you head mentally to handle chaos of cooking, and gives you time to hang out and talk with...

How to recover from antibiotics

The season of sickness is upon us. It is the time of colds, flu, strep, sinus infections, and stomach flu. Everyone is cooped up indoors, and the spread of germs happens faster than the number of times you can wash your hands and sanitize surfaces in a day. If you do...

As the days get shorter

As the days get shorter

Days get shorter and the weather gets colder, there is less sunshine to go around. This means less vitamin D for our skin to absorb. Vitamin D is hard to find in foods. It is fortified in milk and orange juice, but many Americans do not drink either of them. All these...

Why Alkaline?

Why Alkaline?

Our Alkaline Program is about creating balance.  Because we are organic, we constantly fluctuate on the general dichotomy of good-bad, alkaline-acidity, high-low, sad-happy, positive-negative, sick-healthy, etc… This fluctuation is highly dependent on...

Whole body healing

Whole body healing

I recently had a pelvic floor case which was referred to me by a local ob/gyn.  For those of you who don’t know what this is… it can include all conditions including: Urinary/Urge incontinence Organ Prolapse (Cystocele/Rectocele) Vulvodynia (Pain of the vaginal...

What is the pelvic floor

THE FEMALE PELVIC FLOOR The pelvic floor consists of several layers of muscles that cover the bottom of the pelvic cavity. These muscles have several distinct roles: To support the pelvic organs, the bladder, uterus and colon within the pelvis. To assist in stopping...

What is adrenal exhaustion?

What is adrenal exhaustion?

With so much information and busy schedules, we are becoming overloaded with “to do” lists and bombarded with flood of information every minute.  Consider the smart phones, Tablets, IPADS, and the likes……perhaps its time to really enjoy peace and quiet and really...

What body type are you?

Did you know that your body type can determine where you carry weight? Four Metabolic Types Defined: The metabolic types have its foundation in “Sasang” Constitutional Medicine, which values the relationship between the mind and the body. The balance between Yin and...

Wake up call

Wake up call - I was in an accident a week ago. I T-boned a pick up truck but luckily braked in time so that the impact was not too bad. My car however, was totaled, but myself and the other driver were safe with no injuries.  As I was fast approaching...

Vitamin D to thrive

Vitamin D: An Absolute Requirement for Healthy Living Everyone should have his or her vitamin D level checked at least once a year (infants through the elderly). Below are conditions that have been associated with vitamin D levels: 10 ng/mL Severely deficient 15 ng/mL...

Understanding Thyroid Tests

Understanding Thyroid Tests

Understanding thyroid tests - There is confounding information in medical literature about thyroid testing. Traditionally, doctors have relied on a test called TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) to help diagnose and treat patients with a thyroid disorder. Until...

Trigger Point Dry Needling

One of the many services that Alkaline Physical Therapy offers is Trigger Point Dry Needling (TPDN). TPDN is a technique used to relieve myofacial pain in the muscles using a very thin filament needle. Myofacial pain can be caused by many things (such as scoliosis,...

Tame your gut, change your life

Your gut is the second brain center of your body, it has so many functions in our body.  Before I go over the 5 R Matrix Implementation on how to tame your gut, let’s understand the functions of the gut.  It is always so much easier to do something when you...

Structural symmetry

Structural Symmetry and Physical-Yoga-Pilates- Therapy Our bodies are like the wheels of a car, we need to be “balanced” and “aligned” periodically to ensure that the tires are wearing out evenly.  When I treat, I consider the pelvis to be the base of...


I just had a very intimate talk regarding the very personal and often a taboo topic for us women of sexuality and how to optimize our experience in a very safe manner with our respective spouses. It was a very special time of sharing our personal issues and the...

Results are in!

I just went to my nephrologist and got the results of all my labs that include lupus panel, protein in my urine, the basic chemistry, lipids, etc.  The nurse felt so bad because she took so much blood.  It’s the first lab since my detox already 2 months ago...

Restore your gut

One of the first steps to restoring your gut and healing chronic  inflammation is to stop the influx of chemicals and pesticides that come from our routine American diet. If you are suffering from digestive issues, IBS, gas, indigestion, or skin irritations,...

Qi Gong

I recently went on a retreat and was introduced to the practice of Qi Gong and its health benefits. The practice of Qi Gong aids in opening our channels of energy by conscious breathing and movement. I learned that there are two power systems, one is physical and the...

Proper posture at the computer

Proper Body Positioning at the work station As a physical therapist, I see so many patients complaining of neck, shoulder, wrist, and back pain from prolonged sitting at the computers.  With the work days averaging 8 hours 5 days a week, its no wonder that more...

Our growing yoga family

Updates on Our Growing Family How is it March already? February went by so quickly, but it was a great month at Alkaline Wellness Center Yoga—and the best is yet to come! NEW CLASS, NEW INSTRUCTORS  I’m excited to announce that we are expanding the Yoga...

Neti Pot Protocol

The nasal passages are lined with a thin layer of mucus that is one of our body’s first lines of defense against disease. A nasal wash keeps this layer of mucus moist, clean and healthy.  A healthy way to wash away the debris and the allergens in your nasal...

Lupus Flare

Ok, so I’ve been a maverick when it comes to managing my Lupus, choosing the nutraceuticals over pharmaceuticals for over two years.  However, I found that my body has a mind of its own. Despite all my healthy efforts, I’ve relapsed and have proteinuria, extreme...