
I just had a very intimate talk regarding the very personal and often a taboo topic for us women of sexuality and how to optimize our experience in a very safe manner with our respective spouses. It was a very special time of sharing our personal issues and the...

Results are in!

I just went to my nephrologist and got the results of all my labs that include lupus panel, protein in my urine, the basic chemistry, lipids, etc.  The nurse felt so bad because she took so much blood.  It’s the first lab since my detox already 2 months ago...

Restore your gut

One of the first steps to restoring your gut and healing chronic  inflammation is to stop the influx of chemicals and pesticides that come from our routine American diet. If you are suffering from digestive issues, IBS, gas, indigestion, or skin irritations,...

Qi Gong

I recently went on a retreat and was introduced to the practice of Qi Gong and its health benefits. The practice of Qi Gong aids in opening our channels of energy by conscious breathing and movement. I learned that there are two power systems, one is physical and the...

Proper posture at the computer

Proper Body Positioning at the work station As a physical therapist, I see so many patients complaining of neck, shoulder, wrist, and back pain from prolonged sitting at the computers.  With the work days averaging 8 hours 5 days a week, its no wonder that more...