5 Ways to Balance Your Hormones

5 Ways to Balance Your Hormones

The endocrine glands secrete hormones which are vital to several metabolic functions. When they’re out of whack, you will feel negative effects physically and emotionally. You may begin to notice symptoms such as fatigue, mood swings, irregular...

What is the pelvic floor

THE FEMALE PELVIC FLOOR The pelvic floor consists of several layers of muscles that cover the bottom of the pelvic cavity. These muscles have several distinct roles: To support the pelvic organs, the bladder, uterus and colon within the pelvis. To assist in stopping...


I just had a very intimate talk regarding the very personal and often a taboo topic for us women of sexuality and how to optimize our experience in a very safe manner with our respective spouses. It was a very special time of sharing our personal issues and the...