Just because you are gluten free doesn’t mean you can’t have a traditional breakfast! These delectable gluten free pancakes are perfect for weekend breakfasts with the family. Be careful of your portion size! With ghee, coconut cream, agave, almond flour, and maple syrup to top it off, these pancakes are dense in calories. Stick with 1 large cake or 2 baby cakes. 

Gluten Free Pancakes

  • 3 cups blanched almond flour
  • ½ cup coconut cream
  • 8 eggs
  • ½ cup ghee (melted)
  • ¼ cup agave nectar
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 pinch sea salt
  • Ghee for frying
  1. In a blender combine almond flour, cream, eggs, ghee, agave, vanilla, baking soda and salt and blend on high until smooth.
  2. Melt 1 tablespoon ghee in a large skillet over medium heat. When butter is hot, ladle pancake batter onto skillet
  3. Pancakes will bubble, when bubbles open, flip pancakes over and cook on other side. When pancakes are done, remove from heat to a plate
  4. Ladle more batter onto skillet and make additional batches, adding more ghee to grease skillet as needed
  5. Serve with syrup and yogurt (if desired)