pastureI’ve struggled with “shiny object syndrome.”  I always look for the greener pastures on the other side.  Somehow I did not trust that I had everything I needed.  I’ve sought, studied, sought some more, then got confused, curious, furious, and then, back to square one.  With the recent flare of my Lupus I’ve learned to really listen to my intuition, trusting, listening, and letting my own gumption have a field day in my creative process rather than seeking external influences.  This is where I learned that I have my own acre of diamond hiding within.  It helped that I had so much knowledge under my belt, was able to really  understand the simple universal order and law-how it plays out in our everyday lives.  I realized that I kept myself captive to only my perception. The key was to let go and allow myself to explore the realm of possibilities.

So here is the insight I gained.  In whatever endeavor you are engaged in, learn to tailor the program to fit you instead of not trying to fit into a “new” program.  We have a tendency to look externally to justify our choices. Looking like a certain movie star, being as successful as someone else, we all have an image in our minds of what this looks like.  Well, have you ever wondered if it is what YOU really want or is it the influence of the world to believe that it’s what you want?  For example, I’ve been practicing yoga for a long time, and I realized that the image of me contorted gracefully into a pose is perhaps not what I want. I want to gain serenity, focus, and strength that I derive from the practice.  My Bikram yoga teacher always harps on me about the pose, how I need to fine tune my body to manifest a certain pose in exactly the way she was taught. Her belief is that the pose expressed in the exact way that Bikram dictated is the only way for the benefit to take place.  I believe it is when we learn to tailor whatever it is we are striving for to fit our internal compass do we truly benefit.

As a trained professional, I know that there are many healing modalities.  It is when I became more focused on the outcome of my patient rather than being stuck in my own ego, that the patient is free to heal. Only then am I better able to guide the process.  My method of healing is effective; however, it is not the only way.  I’ve learned that the more we know, the more we realize that we don’t know. This keeps us humble and in our place to grow. It’s an exciting thing to realize that there are no absolutes.

Whatever your path is to healing, wellness, success, parenting, try to let go and just enjoy the process. Most importantly, listen to your inner voice and make sure that whatever decision you make is in alignment with who you truly are.